Your Role *
Please select all that apply.
Determine if you have evidence or data source(s) at your school to support a rating of
Not Yet, Partially/Beginning, Partially/Almost or Fully Implementing for the indicator.
Depending on your role, experience and background knowledge, you may or may not
have evidence or data to support an indicator rating for all 34 indicators. Please rate
only those indicators that you have data or evidence to support.
SWD = abbreviation used for students with disability
IEP = individualized education plan
Domain 1: Leadership and Decision-Making
1. The school leadership team analyzes data to identify barriers and initiate improvement steps that increase the number of students with low and high
incidence disabilities, across all grades, in general education and natural contexts.
2. The school has developed, and regularly monitors progress for goals related to short- and long-term improvement efforts to implement and improve inclusive educational practices, as measured by the BPIE.
3. The school has a key person who oversees, coordinates, and monitors the implementation of best practices for inclusive education for all SWDs.
4. School administrators advocate for all SWDs to have the same school choice options as students without disabilities to ensure all SWDs receive
educational services in their neighborhood school or school of choice.
5. School data reflect that all SWDs, regardless of the type orseverity of disability, receive their education and related services in age and grade
appropriate, heterogeneous, general education contexts 80% or more of the day.
6. School data reflect that all SWDs, ages 3–5, receive special education and related services in the regular early childhood (Pre- K) classes with peers without disabilities. *schools with Pre-K programs only.
7. School administrators communicate expectations for all school personnel to share responsibility for all of the students in their building and consider all SWDs as general education students first.
8. School administrators facilitate the use of resources, by school personnel, to implement best practices for inclusive education for all SWDs.
9. School administrators communicate expectations for all school personnel to use person first language in all written and verbal communications.
10. School administrators use job interview questions to appraise an applicant’s knowledge of respect for and appreciation of differences in student learners and best practices for inclusive education, as applicable to the position.
11. School administrators advocate for all SWDs to be transported to and from school and community-based activities with students without disabilities attending the same school, except for those who have an IEP indicating a shortened school day.
12. All SWDs have the same opportunities as students without disabilities to participate in all school sponsored, non- academic, age-appropriate
activities including electives, sports, dances, clubs, field trip, school plays, community service activities, and graduation activities.
13. All students, including SWDs, are given equal consideration for recognition through honors, awards and other designations offered by the school.
14. School administrators analyze data to identify professional Learning (PL) and technical assistance (TA) needed for school personnel to implement effective inclusive practices.
15. School leaders provide job-embedded professional learning for all school-based personnel, as appropriate for their job role, on best practices for inclusive education for all SWDs.
16. School leaders facilitate job-embedded, technical assistance for all school-based personnel, as appropriate for their job role, on best practices for inclusive education for all SWDs.
17. School administrators ensure that collaborative planning time is used productively and reflected in general and special education staff schedules and instructional plans.
DOMAIN II: Instruction and Student Achievement
18. Specials, electives, and career technical education (CTE) teachers have regularly scheduled opportunities to consult with special education teachers and related service providers to implement strategies that support the learning of all SWDs in their classes.
19. General and special education teachers use the academic achievement standards as the foundation for instruction of all SWDs, including those with the most significant cognitive disability.
20. A multi-tiered system of student supports (MTSS) and problem-solving process is consistently used by school personnel to ensure progress in the general education curriculum, across all grades and settings, for all students with and without disabilities.
21. All instructional and related services personnel use formative assessment processes and tools to gather, analyze, and evaluate data about effective instruction and behavior interventions for all students with and without disabilities in general education and natural contexts.
22. Teachers of SWDs who spend less than 80% of their day in general education classes use formative assessment data to identify effective instructional and behavioral interventions that, when implemented in general education and natural contexts, allow SWDs to make progress toward meeting IEP and learning goals.
23. There is a school wide approach to facilitate positive, interdependent relationships and social responsibility among all students with and without
disabilities across all general education and natural contexts.
24. There is a school wide approach for planning and implementing Universal Design for Learning across all instructional and non- instructional school contexts.
25. There are a variety of service delivery models in place, across all grade levels, to provide instruction and related services to SWDs in general education classes and natural contexts.
26. All paraprofessionals have received PL that includes clear descriptions of their work responsibilities and strategies for providing support to SWDs in general education classrooms and natural contexts.
DOMAIN III: Communication and Collaboration
This is the description of your section break.
27. All special education teachers are full, collaborative members of a general education curriculum team.
28. General and special education teachers use regularly scheduled collaborative planning time to clarify their roles and responsibilities while planning effective instruction and assessment for all students.
29. Family members of SWDs are contributing members of school decision-making groups.
30. Learning opportunities and resources are provided to families of SWDs as a result of needs assessments and student data.
31. When communicating with families of SWDs, all personnel consider family members as a resource and obtain their input in planning and problem-solving.
32. Reports of progress toward implementing inclusive practices are disseminated to families, school district personnel, and community members annually.
33. The school uses a person-centered planning process for SWD.
34. School uses a team decision-making process to ensure SWDs transition from grade to grade, school to school, and district to district to ensure placement in the least restrictive environment.